Paul S. Kuzmickas
Director | Safety, Quality, and Patient Experience
Cleveland Clinic
Paul is the Director in the Office of Quality, Safety, and Patient Experience and a leader in the Clinical and Operational Improvement team at the Cleveland Clinic. As part of the role, he oversees the Ombudsman Office for the enterprise and focuses on Patient Experience, Empathy Training, High Reliability, and Workplace Violence, amongst other things.
Paul represented people for over fourteen years throughout the State of Ohio and the Federal Court system as an attorney and Managing Counsel of the Cleveland branch of a national law firm prior to joining the Clinic. In addition, Paul also teaches courses in the Paralegal and Business Administration programs at Cuyahoga County Community College. He has co-authored a legal book, was recently published in the Journal of Patient Experience, and is a frequent speaker/presenter, both locally and nationally, on Patient Experience, Workplace Violence, and legal matters.
Paul is very interested in writing and reading, film and television, technology, and sports, but spends most of his days playing Superheroes, Star Wars, and coaching sports with his five sons.